Ang Pheng Huat (Creative Director)

Weapons of choice: Used to drive the Tigermobile until it got scrapped. Computer and programming guru, disassembles computers and makes sure they work when he puts them back together. Able to dangle large globs of spit from his mouth, inducing nausea in all who dare to view such a gruesome spectacle.

Ammunition of choice: Vintage Rock, Blues-Rock, Acid Jazz and stuff they call Trip Hop.

When not masquerading as a Chocolate Tiger: Undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Celebrating his heterosexuality with careless abandon. Mad about Large Cars, Large Aircraft, Large Things and japanese DIY rally racing videos. Dies when shot in the head. Loves Coke, detests Pepsi. Collects Coke cans, has 1600+ coke cans in a big wooden cupboard in his hallway.

Why he has a special page dedicated solely to him: Because he's Ang Pheng Huat!


Celebrating Pheng's 21st Birthday. Clockwise from the right, back row: Yili, Xiaoli, The Man Himself, Marcus, Hendri, Clement and Melvin

   Toasting The Man! Happy 21st pheng...

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